Christian Fleche El Origen Emocional De Las Enfermedades Pdf
El Origen Emocional De Las Enfermedades: A Book Review
Have you ever wondered why you get sick? What if your diseases are not just random or genetic, but have a deeper meaning and purpose? What if you could discover the emotional cause of your illnesses and heal them naturally?
If you are interested in these questions, you might want to read El Origen Emocional De Las Enfermedades (The Emotional Origin of Diseases) by Christian Fleche. This book is a practical guide that offers a new perspective on health and disease, based on the principles of psychosomatic medicine, biological decoding, and genealogy.
What is the book about?
The book is based on the idea that our body is a reflection of our mind, emotions, and history. It argues that every disease has an emotional origin that can be traced back to a specific event or conflict that affected us deeply. By identifying and resolving these conflicts, we can heal our diseases and prevent them from recurring.
The main premise of the book
The main premise of the book is that our body is a wise and intelligent system that communicates with us through symptoms. According to the author, symptoms are not enemies or errors, but messages that indicate what we need to change or heal in our lives. Each symptom has a precise biological meaning that corresponds to an emotional need or problem.
The author's background and credentials
The author of the book is Christian Fleche, a psycho-bio-therapist, master in NLP and metaphoric language. He uses the Ericksonian hypnosis method, the biological cycles of memory, and genealogical analysis to help his clients understand and heal their diseases. He has written more than 20 books on psychosomatic medicine and biological decoding, and he teaches courses and workshops around the world.
The structure and content of the book
The book is divided into four parts: general principles, cardiology, dermatology, and gastroenterology. In each part, the author explains the emotional origin of various diseases related to these fields, such as angina pectoris, hypertension, eczema, psoriasis, gastritis, ulcers, etc. He also provides examples and case studies to illustrate how to decode the symptoms and find the solutions.
What are the benefits of reading the book?
Reading this book can help you gain a deeper understanding of your health and well-being. You can learn how to:
How to identify the emotional origin of diseases
The book teaches you how to use a simple method to find out the emotional cause of your diseases. The method consists of asking yourself four questions: When did it start? What was happening in my life at that time? What emotion did I feel? What does this emotion mean for me?
By answering these questions honestly and sincerely, you can discover the hidden conflict that triggered your disease. You can also identify the patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck in that conflict.
How to decode the biological meaning of symptoms
The book also teaches you how to interpret the biological meaning of your symptoms. The author explains that each organ and system in our body has a specific function and symbolism that relates to our emotions and needs. For example, the heart represents love and relationships, the skin represents contact and protection, and the stomach represents digestion and assimilation.
By understanding what each symptom means biologically, you can understand what your body is trying to tell you. You can also find out what you need to do or change in order to satisfy your emotional needs and resolve your conflicts.
How to heal and prevent diseases with a holistic approach
The book also teaches you how to heal and prevent diseases with a holistic approach that considers all aspects of your being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The author suggests some practical tools and techniques that can help you heal your diseases naturally, such as:
Hypnosis: a method that uses suggestion and relaxation to access your subconscious mind and reprogram your beliefs.
Biological cycles: a method that uses natural rhythms and cycles to activate your memory and release your emotions.
Genealogy: a method that uses your family tree and history to understand your inherited patterns and influences.
Nutrition: a method that uses food as medicine to nourish your body and balance your energy.
Meditation: a method that uses awareness and breathing to calm your mind and connect with your spirit.
What are some examples of diseases and their emotional causes?
To give you an idea of how this approach works, here are some examples of diseases and their emotional causes according to the book:
Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular diseases are related to the heart and blood vessels. They include conditions such as angina pectoris, hypertension, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, etc. According to the book, these diseases have an emotional origin linked to love and relationships. Some possible causes are:
Lack of love or affection
Fear of losing someone or something
Conflict or separation from a loved one
Guilt or resentment towards oneself or others
Inability to express or receive love
Dermatological diseases
Dermatological diseases are related to the skin. They include conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, urticaria, etc. According to the book, these diseases have an emotional origin linked to contact and protection. Some possible causes are:
Lack of contact or communication Fear of rejection or abandonment Conflict or aggression from others Guilt or shame about oneself Inability to accept or respect oneself
Gastrointestinal diseases
Gastrointestinal diseases are related to the stomach and intestines. They include conditions such as gastritis, ulcers, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, etc. According to the book, these diseases have an emotional origin linked to digestion and assimilation. Some possible causes are:
Lack of satisfaction or fulfillment Fear of change or uncertainty Conflict or anger towards someone or something Guilt or regret about something done or not done Inability to digest or assimilate life experiences
How to get the book in PDF format?
If you are interested in reading this book, you might want to get it in PDF format. This has some advantages, such as:
The advantages of reading the book in PDF format
You can read it on any device, such as your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You can access it anytime, anywhere, without needing a physical copy. You can save it on your cloud storage, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. You can highlight, annotate, or bookmark important parts. You can share it with others easily.
The sources and links to download the book in PDF format
To download the book in PDF format, you have several options. You can:
Purchase it online from reputable websites, such as Amazon, ```html arnes & Noble, or Ediciones Obelisco. Download it for free from public domain websites, such as Google Sheets, Internet Archive, or iBiblioteca. Request it from a friend or a colleague who has a copy of it. Borrow it from a library or a bookstore that offers digital loans.
Here are some links to download the book in PDF format:
El origen emocional de las enfermedades.pdf - Google Sheets
El origen emocional de las enfermedades : cómo identificar la causa psicológica de los trastornos de la salud : Fleche, Christian, author : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
El Origen Emocional de las Enfermedades - Christian Fleche - Libro Físico - iBiblioteca
In conclusion, El Origen Emocional De Las Enfermedades
is a book that offers a new way of understanding and healing our diseases. It shows us how our body and mind are connected, and how our emotions and history affect our health. It teaches us how to identify the emotional origin of our diseases, decode the biological meaning of our symptoms, and heal and prevent diseases with a holistic approach. It also provides us with practical tools and techniques to help us in this process. If you are looking for a book that can help you improve your health and well-being, you might want to read this one.
Here are some frequently asked questions about the book:
Who is the book for?
The book is for anyone who wants to learn more about the emotional origin of diseases, and how to heal them naturally. It is especially useful for people who suffer from chronic or recurrent diseases, or who have a family history of diseases.
What is the main message of the book?
The main message of the book is that our diseases are not random or genetic, but have a deeper meaning and purpose. They are messages from our body that indicate what we need to change or heal in our lives. By listening to these messages and resolving our emotional conflicts, we can heal our diseases and prevent them from recurring.
What is the difference between this book and other books on psychosomatic medicine?
The difference between this book and other books on psychosomatic medicine is that this book focuses on the biological decoding of symptoms, rather than on the psychological interpretation of diseases. The author explains that each symptom has a precise biological meaning that corresponds to an emotional need or problem, and that by understanding this meaning, we can find the solution.
How can I apply the concepts and methods of this book in my life?
You can apply the concepts and methods of this book in your life by following these steps:
When you have a disease or a symptom, ask yourself the four questions: When did it start? What was happening in my life at that time? What emotion did I feel? What does this emotion mean for me? Try to find out the hidden conflict that triggered your disease or symptom, and identify the patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck in that conflict. Use the tools and techniques suggested by the author to resolve your conflict and heal your emotion, such as hypnosis, biological cycles, genealogy, nutrition, or meditation. Repeat this process for any other disease or symptom that you have or develop in the future.
Where can I find more information about the author and his work?
You can find more information about the author and his work on his website: Christian Flèche - Psycho-Bio-Thérapeute. There you can find his biography, his books, his courses and workshops, his blog, and his contact details.